Herculist Strategy – Automatically Receive 8+ Referrals Per Day!

In this post I will share the strategy to Receive more than 8 Referrals per day automatically without promoting your referral link and without clicking on credit ads!

Here below is the brief strategy how this system works:

To automatically get referrals assigned to your downline you will need to send/submit your ad every hour. Your ad can be anything you want to promote.

  • Gold members can send ad to more than 300,000+ members every hour!
  • Pro members allowed to send to 500 members every hour!
  • You don’t need credits to send your ad!
  • Every time you login you will receive visits to your website!
  • Just be sure to always keep a valid link in theZONE!
  • After sending/submitted a certain number of mailings in a 24 hour period, a downline member will automatically be placed under you.
  • Gold and Pro members will have a lower number of hourly mailings to do before they receive a new downline member than Free members.
  • You will be notified at the “mailing successful” page that you are directed to after submitting your Hourly Mailer ad when a member is placed under you.

Please follow instructions below to automatically receive referrals to your downline.

==> Click Here To Join Herculist


Prepare your ad you want to submit (Get your email subject line, email body and link ready)


Login (if not already) then click on “HercuList Members” from the top menu.

Then click on “Submit Ads” from the top right menu of the page.

Then click on “Ad Mailers” from the top menu of the page.

Then click on “Continue to Ad Mailers >” from the top menu of the page.

Scroll down the page, under “Regular Mailer (Daily) setup your ad by entering your email subject, email body and your link.

Now under “Use Regular Mailing (Daily) to submit ad” click on down arrow and select “HercuMail (Hourly)“.

Then lastly click on “Submit Ad


Now you done. Repeat the process from step 3 every hour and after you submit your ad more than 4 times a day you will start getting referrals depending on your upgrade level.

Upgrade your membership to a LIFETIME GOLD membership for ONLY $49 and never pay another membership fee again. As an upgraded member you will have access to 100,000+ leads which you can download and use them to promote.


2 responses to “Herculist Strategy – Automatically Receive 8+ Referrals Per Day!”

  1. armando de arco Avatar
    armando de arco

    hola amigo ya soy miembro gold en herculist y tengo una inquietud o duda
    resulta que cuando envio mi mensaje diario a mas de 380000 miembros como dice la plataforma, he notado que mi mensaje solo lo ven de 8 a 10 personas en la pagina o plataforma osea casi nadie lo ve o nadie llega mi publicidad, y me queda la duda por que se supone que mi mensaje lo verian por lo menos unos 83000 miembros como dice el mensaje que que mandan cuando uno hace el envio diario.
    por eso le escribo y le agradesco y me colabore explicandome como hay que hacer para que mis mensajes sean visto por los miembros de la pagina

    le escribo a sporte y me mandan unos videos en ingles y ya los vi y no entiendo nada pues alli solo explican como mandar los mensajes y solo eso.

    no veo informacion clara del por que mis mensajes no son visto por los miembros

    le agradesco su atencion y pronta respuesta.

    1. Hola Armando, los mensajes se envían a todos los miembros, pero solo te muestran en las estadisticas las personas que los abren, checa bien tus estadisticas y verifica que tengas un titulo atractivo para cada anuncio que envías para que mas personas los abran, ademas que puedes enviar un anuncio cada hora.

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