Safelist Marketing – Your Ads

In this training guide I’ll share some examples of ads that you could use in your safelist/mailer marketing, as well as some do’s and don’ts, and of course how to use this strategy in a more productive way.

When it comes to lead generation using traffics sites, you need to remember one thing – All the other users (including you) are there for one thing, and one thing only…

To get eyeballs on their offers!

To do that they need to click for credits and earn enough to be able to get their own offers out there. Unless they’re upgraded and don’t need to click for credits, of course.

The ads for safelists and mailers – which are my recommended traffic sites to use, are quite different to the regular emails that you send out to your email list.

The people that have opted in to your email list have effectively put their hand up and asked for more information about whatever you were promoting in your ad.

But safelists and mailers are very different. These people have all signed up to the site owners list and agreed to have mails sent to them, in return of being able to send their own ads out.

So the ads you send out on safelists and mailers need to grab the attention of the person clicking for their credits, and we do that by writing an enticing subject line.

Something that sparks a bit of curiosity with the clicker.

The main part of the email should be short and sweet. Fact is, they are only looking for the ‘Click here to earn credits line’ and you can almost guarantee your email content won’t get read. These credit clicks are placed at the bottom of the email – so the people ‘reading’ will be scrolling down faster than you can earn 5 cents on Team Build Machine!

Ad Examples And Why You Should Never Copy Other Ads Outright

Below you will see an image with a number inside a red circle. If you’ve ever had more than one subscriber in a day, and receive email notifications for opt ins – you will usually find them ‘stacked’ into one email.

This is exactly what happens with more than one ad with the same subject line! If you just copy and paste, without changing even just one word – your ad will get ‘stacked’ into one email, along with anyone else who has used that same subject line – therefore diluting your advertising efforts (wasting your time in other words)

The ‘reader’ is just going to click the first credit link they find, delete the emails (or stack of emails) and move straight onto the next one, repeating until they’ve earned enough credits.

So first very important tip – Don’t copy and paste, either my subject lines, or any other marketers for your own ads, without changing them up first.

Here are some examples of what I’ve been using to promote the OLSP funnel:

Start Banking Commissions

They Do The Selling For You

Lifetime Automated Income

It Doesn’t Need To Be Hard – Earn While You Learn

Do You Hate Selling?

One Time Low Investment – Lifetime Rewards

Obviously don’t just copy and paste these but use them for inspiration for other ads too. I tend to use one or two different ones for a week or so and then change to another one or two – I’ll also keep an eye on the pace. Some will stop getting as many opt ins so I’ll change it up again and won’t use that particular one for a few weeks. It keeps things fresh.

For the email content part of the ad – remember that not much attention is paid to this part, but still make it enticing and include a few key points and benefits as they do sometimes catch my attention – so others may be captured by it. Just don’t write nothing is what I’m trying to say.

I tend to only write a couple of these. Again, create it in your own words rather than copy and paste. Here’s an example of one of mine.

Are you ready to start banking commissions?

Without having to do all of the selling?

And all you need to do is share your link.

You’ll also receive some epic training, as well as one on one guidance.

All for a stupidly low one time fee.

Chat soon,


How I Keep Organised And Productive With My Promotions

It takes quite a bit of time promoting on safelists and mailers, even an upgraded member still needs to login to send their email ad.

The first thing I recommend doing is keeping a diary, or a document/spreadsheet and taking note of how long you need to go between mailings on each site. Some will allow daily ads, some 2 days, 3 days, and so on. So that each day you know exactly where you need to go to post your ad.

I also recommend keeping referral links, any ads that you use and the capture page links saved into a document.

Below you will see a screenshot of my Google doc, which contains just about everything! The thing I like the most about it is I can create a ‘Heading’ and it comes up along the side – so I can just click on that heading along the side and it will take me straight to where I need to go – without having to spend ages scrolling 🙂 I’ve put a yellow box around that to show you.

In this particular example you’ll see my opt in page link and my funnel page link for one of my promotions inside the green box. I regularly share my funnel page link to my email list so this is just a quick way of me finding it for my emails.

In the red box I have all of my subject lines listed so I can just quickly copy and paste those over.

And finally, the blue box contains the content for my email ad.

I hope this gives you some ideas that you can use yourself in your safelist/mailer promotions. Saving a few minutes here and there really does help you squeeze in a few extra promotions!

As always, happy clicking and do reach out if you have any questions 🙂