Congratulations! Now we are going to configure the system, these are the steps to follow:

Step 1 – Create a blog on blogger
Step 2 – Create a landing page on your blogger blog
Step 3 – Edit the HTML code of the page you have created and paste the Turbo PTP System code.

Step 1 Create a blog on blogger.

How To Create A Free Landing Page With Blogger?

Creating a Blogger blog and landing page is very simple. All you need is an active Gmail account. 

First, go to your Gmail account. If you don´t have an account yet, create one.

In the top right corner, click on the dots and select Blogger from the menu: 

Then, you can create a new Blog in the top left corner:

Next, you can choose a name for your Blog:

Confirm the name and choose a url for your Blog. Check if it is available:

Confirm again and you´re done.

Congratulations, you have created your first Blog on Blogger!

Step 2 – Create a landing page on your blogger blog

What´s Next?

Now that you have finished creating your new blog, it is time to move on with the Turbo PTP tutorial.

How To Create A New Landing Page On Your Blogger Blog

Creating a new landing page is very easy. In your dashboard, just click on “Sites” and then “New”.

Step 3 – Edit the HTML code of the page you have created and paste the Turbo PTP System code.

How To Edit HTML On Your Sites

To edit the HTML code of your site, you just need to click the editor icon and then select HTML.

Now you can paste HTML code inside:

Copy and paste the HTML Code from here:

Exchange the Ref Link and PTP links with your own.

To make this step easier, you can find the links to update with the ctrl + f or f3 keys and add your affiliate links and PTP as follows:







Ready, now your system is configured and ready to promote it.